Archive for May 18, 2010

Max on Thrusters

What is fun about CrossFit is that if you work hard you surprise yourself on a regular basis. Yesterday we did 1 rep max on thrusters. Having no idea what my max would be I was hoping I could get at least 100#. Adding weight on each rep I didn’t fail until 125! I backed down to 120 and failed again. After another attempt I finally got 120 and figured I was finished. I started to put the weights away until Tim said ‘You’re done? You’re not done. Keep going.’ So I gave 125 another try and what-do-ya-know I got it!  So just for the fun of it I tried 130. I got that too! That is close to my body weight and the most weight I have ever had over my head for any reason. I tried 135 a couple times and was *really* close. I did not get it but I am glad I tried. It’s true, the only way to guarantee failure is to never attempt.

This is a thruster:


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