CrossFit Regionals and The Toe


My toe is still a little sensitive but I am considering running the sprints today anyway. When I get to Douglas County Fairgrounds I’ll put on the cleats I picked up from Play It Again Sports for 10 bucks and run a bit and see how it is. The workouts in today competition are:

1. Team Suicides.
2 men and 2 women do a 2000 meter suicide relay on a soccer field

2. Team Snatch.
30 minutes for each team member to complete their heaviest sntach (pull the weight from the ground straight up overhead without a stop in the middle). Bonus for how quick you can get through it.

3. Team Triplet.
2 men and women do 50 muscle ups on the rings. 200 overhead squats 95#/65#. 3000 meters on the rower.

Our teams prediction is that there will be a lot of teams that will run faster than us in that first workout but we will do great in the second two. Lucinda lifting technique is like a professional’s, Rosanne can probably do 100 overhead squats by herself, and Steve and Sid can both do more muscle ups than most people there. So our sprinting is just going to be damage control to try not to let it hurt us too bad. We’ll see.

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