Day 75: So Close… Keep Going To CrossFit

Day75_Chest2BarPullups Days Left: 10

Ten days left and one pound to go. This morning at CrossFit we repeated a workout that was part of a competition over the weekend. I found out that if I had competed I might have finished in the top 10 for that workout!

The workout: For 10 minutes do as many rounds as you can of:
6 squat cleans – Boys: 135#  Girls: 95#
9 chest touches bar pull-ups – kipping/butterfly are allowed
12 box jumps – Boys: 24” box  / Girls: 20" box

It was brutal. This is a squat clean:


Day75_WeighIn136 WEEKLY WEIGH-IN:
Starting: 157
Last week: 139
Original Goal: 137
Today: 136
New Goal: 135

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