So Now What?

CrossFitGames Now that the challenge is finally over I have much more interesting things to worry about than what I look like in spandex. In the most immediate future I am competing with our Affiliate Cup Team at the Rocky Mountain Regional CrossFit Games April 30th – May 2nd for a chance to go to Nationals in California. Again, there are 38 teams competing to fill only 8 spots so we have a difficult task ahead of us. Difficult but not impossible.

CORRECTION: These workouts I posted this morning are not for us. They are for the Masters (over 50). Our workouts will not be posted for another week or so. I will leave them here anyway though…

Workout 1:
50 Double unders
21 Kettlebell swings (1.5 pood men / 1 pood women)
12 Pull-ups (kipping)

Workout 2:
10 minutes to find your 1 Rep Maximum Thruster

Workout 3:
As many rounds as possible in 20 minutes of:
5 Chest touches bar pull-ups (kipping
10 Push-ups
15 Air Squats

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