What a coward

osamaI have been glued to the news about the raid that brought down Osama bin Laden. It has been very exciting but also very aggravating. I am wondering how Al Qaeda feels about their founder and  former commander preaching ‘violent jihad’ and glorified suicide in the name of religion and then cowering behind a woman to avoid a bullet. I am not sure what makes my blood boil more. That or the idea that he probably did it because the woman was just another disposable object in the room. Who knows. The woman may have been just as evil or worse. Or maybe there was no woman at all. I am sure we will never know what it was really like when things went down. But it doesn’t matter. I will always have a vision in my head of him trembling like a little girl and throwing a woman into the line of fire. What a [fill in expletive here].

1 Comment »

  1. Amy Said,

    May 4, 2011 @ 11:59 am

    I think it’s pretty unlikely that detail is true. There’s no way accurate tactical or event details would be released for special ops like that. The intel community is very careful with what kind of information gets released, even for seemingly mundane stuff. There will be a lot of information surrounding this event that’s urban legend, high drama stuff. Drama=danger and should be avoided, so my guess is that instead it was the lowest possible risk operation, highly planned down to the last detail. It also doesn’t make sense to me that there would be any women present in a top-level Al Qaeda compound. It’s tempting to believe these stories that appeal to our sense of good and evil, but I would be skeptical of any details that sound like a movie. Just my 2 cents.

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