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I Made The Team!

crossfit Despite being completely sick all week and having shingles, I still managed to perform well enough yesterday to take one of the three female spots on Flatirons Crossfit’s Affiliate Cup Team! I am so excited! We had to do three grueling workouts within 2.5 hours. It was brutal.

Workout 1:
As many rounds as possible in 10 minutes of:
6 pullups (kipping allowed)
4 deadlifts @ 180 lbs
150 meter run

Result: I almost made it 8 rounds, tying with Rosanne for the top score.

Workout 2: Ironically named “Karen”
For time: 150 wall balls at an 8 ft target with a 14 lb ball.
It looks like this:

Result: I was 2nd behind Lucinda who smoked all of us. After all those dead lifts it was really hard to get out of the squat.

Workout 3: The one I feared would keep me off the team:
3 overhead squats at the heaviest weight we could get up to.
3 rounds of as many pull ups as we could do in a row.

Result: I was okay with the pull ups but I am TERRIBLE at overhead squat. I mean worthless. My shoulders don’t have that range of motion so I keep avoiding them. But luckily I did well enough in the first two to make up for my 4th place finish in this one and edge by Elizabeth.

The team is made up of 3 girls and 3 guys. At the end of April, we will compete against 38 other teams for only 8 spots in the competition in California in July. We have our work cut out for us!

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Chickenpox? Are you serious?

shingles Did you know it is possible to get a resurgence of chicken pox just from putting a lot of stress on your body? I didn’t. Apparently that is what “shingles” is. Luckily you only get it in a small isolated area and once you start the medicine you are no longer contagious. Otherwise I would not be able to go to CrossFit tryouts today. I thought the doctor was joking. They spray tanned me for my after photos last week so I thought I was just having some kind of reaction to that. But no. Shingles. Every time my shirt brushes against the itchy patch on my side it is like torture. Not a distraction I want to have during 3 grueling workouts today. Major bummer. But whatever. I just need to suck it up and still kick butt today.

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Performance Ready?

fitnessTeam I picked up the CD of my after photos yesterday. There are about 500 to choose from. I worried that if started looking at them it would distract me from work so I haven’t seen them yet. Tonight after work I will start the process of figuring out which ones to send in. An interesting thing happened at the studio. The photographer apparently showed my pictures to girls that are part of a team that does fitness competitions like bikini modeling and stuff like that. Based on how the pictures came out, they seem to think I am qualified. Whoa. I don’t know. I think I am probably more suited for and more interested in the performance type competition that CrossFit offers, racing and stuff, over standing on a stage in a bikini and high heels trying to look happy. I guess I am still going to email their trainer to ask about it though. Just to see…

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Tryouts are coming…

Sorry I skipped yesterday. Lots to do between work, writing the essay, and getting ready for those CrossFit Affiliate Cup Team tryouts on Saturday. Based on the workouts posted and the girls signed up I think I am probably about 4th best and there are only 3 spots. So most likely I will end up as an alternate. One girl, Roseanne, is on a whole other level. She is a given. Lucinda and I are really close in the workouts but she is just slightly faster and just slightly stronger in most areas. I am usually faster than Elizabeth but she is so ridiculously strong and does WAY more pull ups than me. Half our workouts on Saturday include pull ups and weight lifting so between me and her for that 3rd spot I think her strength and her pull ups are going to trump my speed. I guess we’ll see.

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How The Challenge Works

bfl-logo The Body For Life Challenge is 12 weeks and begins whenever a challenger wishes to start. Each year there are four rounds. Your round is determined by your dates. Since I finished my 12 weeks prior to May 6th that means I participated in Round 1. Round 4 ends December 12. At the end of the year, the judges compare the top performers from each round and choose the winners. This means the winners are not announced until next January. The Grand Prize is $25,000 and a home gym. The prize for winning in your gender/age group is $10,000 and a home gym. However, each year they receive roughly 6000-7000 entries. This means the chances of being a winner are extremely slim. The real triumph is finishing the challenge and being proud of the results.

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The After Photo Only Counts Half

For the past month I have focused entirely on the goal of finishing the physical aspects of The Body For Life Challenge. I have not written much about how the competition actually works. Let me start by pointing out that the after photo is only half of what you are judged upon. You are also required to write a short essay about what you have learned from the experience. The essay is equally as important if not more so than the after photos. Contenders are chosen based on pictures but winners are selected based on the life lessons they have taken away from setting a difficult goal, putting all their efforts into it, and reaching it. If you doubt the importance of the essay like I did, consider this…

Last year’s Grand Prize for men went to this guy:


instead of this guy:


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A Great Birthday

Apr3_happy-birthday-cake Thanks for the birthday wishes yesterday, everyone! I had a great day! First of all, I didn’t wake up and workout. What a treat! Todd and I went to breakfast at Lucille’s in Boulder. The beignets were delicious! Then we headed to Black Hawk to play some Black Jack. I would love to say we won a bunch of money but… we played for three hours and ended up losing $50 a piece. But hey, we came home with half of what we went with so… cannot complain. Next we went shopping and bought what I had planned to since January. A brand new pair of Lucky Jeans! I had to try on five pairs before I knew what size I am now. I am a 27/28. That is roughly a size 6! Finally, we intended to see Clash of the Titans but the ticket line out the door! FORGET IT! We went home and curled up in our newly finished basement for a movie instead. And we ate WAY too much junk food and candy. Blech! I feel so gross! I need some fruit and vegetables! I had planned to take the whole weekend off from healthy eating but the way I feel after all that candy… I don’t even want another day off. I think I am going to go for a run. But first I am going back to bed.

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An Amazing Experience

2_nails Yesterday was surreal. After my final hike I got my nails done at a place that had been totally remodeled and fitted with a row of new massage chairs. I fell asleep. That was the best massage chair I have ever sat in. Oh man, where can I get one…

By noon I was at the studio where I met an adorable woman named Amanda who was assigned to spray tan me. Spray tanning was a very strange experience. I stood naked in a pop up tent and she spray painted me like a car. I was not sure I wanted this done at all since it is so out of style to be really dark these days. Super dark tans no longer make people think of relaxing on the beach but of skin cancer. However I was very pleased with the result, just a shade or two past my normal color and not a hint of orange. She did a fantastic job. (No, that’s not me in the picture! That is a model.)


Next was make up and hair done by the lovely and talented Jen Murphy. Such a professional! In a very short time she transformed me from Plain Jane with no make up and wild hair to ‘Whoa!’ I told Todd I would probably look like a 13 year old in dance recital with a bunch of make up on me. Either that or a hooker. Far from it! Jen was truly an artist and took really good care of me. This is Jen:


Finally there was the photos. Before yesterday, I could think of nothing more uncomfortable than putting on a bikini and high heels, standing in a cold room, and having someone bark orders and snap photos. I had dreaded this day since the beginning of the challenge.

Yet when the time came, Rob Hawthorne made it seem like a piece… of… cake – like something I had done a dozen times before. He had to provide a lot of direction but did not let on for one second that it was anything but fun for him. I felt totally relaxed. In the middle of the photo shoot, a group of business men walked in and Rob ran over to show them my before photos. Their reaction to how far I had come boosted my confidence even more. One of them said, “Ok, seriously. What are you trying to sell me?” like he almost couldn’t believe it. That got a BIG smile from me.


Rob made it so much fun that I could have easily kept changing outfits and taking pictures except for one thing. After five hours I realized I was REALLY hungry and I could FINALLY fall off the wagon for a day or two and eat whatever I want! Last night it was Chinese Food. Fried crab cheese wontons, egg rolls, sesame chicken, and vegetable fried rice with ice cream for dessert. I almost cried I was so happy not to be eating steamed beef and vegetables for once. GREAT dinner!

Oh, about the photos. Challenge rules state that I cannot post them until I find out for sure whether or not I am in the running. Once you submit them, they own them. I am going to call on Monday though. I might be able to post one I took in a sports bra and shorts since I am not submitting those. We’ll see. Even if they say yes I still have to build up the courage to actually post it. That is pretty… I don’t know… PUBLIC. Eek!  Either way, on Monday I will let you guys know how the competition works from here on out.

By the way, if you need a spray tan, make up, hair, or pictures an event I highly recommend this wonderful group of talented and experienced people:

Photography:   Rob Hawthorne –
Hair and Make Up:   Jen Murphy –
Spray Tanning OR Personal Training: Amanda Berthod –

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The Long-Awaited Photo Shoot / Final Weigh-in

TheEnd_PhotoShootYa know, I think I won’t go get my pictures taken today after all. I am really tired. I think I will stay home and eat McDonald’s and watch movies instead…

*big grin*… 

I did it! I cannot believe I finished! The photo shoot is going to take all day so I took off work. And since tomorrow is my birthday I took that off too! This morning I feel ambitious so I am going to do one last pre-photo hike. Then I am getting my nails done. After that begins a long session at a studio in Denver. I somehow managed to find a photographer who specialized in taking photos of fitness models so hopefully he can provide some guidance. The session includes a whole ordeal including make up and hair and everything. I am so excited and nervous I couldn’t sleep! I am going to be treated like a model for a day! (And I mean that in a good way. He he he.) What a great birthday present! And best of all…

Starting: 157
Original Goal: 137
Revised Goal: 135
Final Weight: 130

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Day 84: I Finally Made It!

Day84_ReachedTheTopStart Date of Body For Life Challenge: J anuary 7
Days Left: 1 – Today

I cannot believe I have finally made it to the last day of the challenge! Unlike February, I had absolutely no set backs in March. I quite literally worked my butt off. These lips did not meet a single bit of junk food and I did not miss one workout. Yesterday was a close call though. The place I play volleyball clouded up with thick dust on Sunday and Monday I woke up with a sore throat. Yesterday it burned so bad I thought for sure I was really sick. I laid in bed furious that I had come so far and was getting sick right before the end. I finally took some ibuprofen for the sore throat and it perked me up enough to get back up there late in the afternoon, just in time.

I have to say, morning hikes are better. It is so peaceful. And I don’t have to hike with other people’s dogs running up behind me, back and forth, back and forth, crashing into my legs. It is cooler, quieter, and best of all I can choose my own pace without having to stop to pass someone or be passed. Yesterday afternoon I might as well have been on the escalator at a busy mall. One more hike today and you can bet I am going to catch the sunrise again. It is 5:00am and already almost 55 degrees out already!

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