Archive for July 10, 2011

The SheRox Triathlon

I was in no shape to run with my triathlon relay team today but I found a perfect sub.


My cousin Anne did the 800m swim and was probably one of the fastest (if not THE fastest) swimmers there.


My sister Kim did the 10 mile bike ride. Suddenly out of nowhere a few years back she signed up for a half marathon just for the fun of it. And now she wants to experience a tri. What a stud! (I have yet to do either).


My other cousin Andrea stepped in to handle the 5k with less than 24 hours notice. She had no idea if she could finish a 5k without having to stop but sailed through it with no problem. Good for her!


Family came out to watch.


The team did a great job – 3rd place of 7 relay teams. Great job guys!


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