Day 64: The Countdown
With only 21 days left of the before and after photo competition I am really going to concentrate on that goal over the next couple weeks. It is the only New Year’s Resolutions I made that has a real deadline aside from one I assigned so I need to put it first.
Today’s CrossFit Workout:
As many rounds as possible in 12 minutes of:
3 deadlifts at 120# (185# for boys)
6 push ups
10 double unders (jump rope)
I made it through 15 rounds which means in the end I did 45 deadlifts, 90 push ups, and 150 double unders. It was a good score and I was happy with it but I was still slowed way down by the push ups. I used to have to do them on my knees so it has improved a lot. But still, by the last couple rounds I could only do about one push up at a time so they still need work.