So much to work on. So little time.

I have so many things to work on to have the slightest chance of being competitive with those top CrossFit girls in Colorado at Sectionals this coming year. It is overwhelming. I plan to spend 10-15 minutes on a skill after every workout. I am very bad at many things but for now I am going to concentrate on what I currently cannot do at all. I want to conquer these by the end of the year:

Muscle Up –> Current = 0. Goal = 1.
Pistols –> Current = 0. Goal = 2 each leg.
Handstand Push Ups –> Current = 0. Goal = 3 (no kip, no mat)*.
Chest-To-Bar Pull Ups –> Current = 3. Goal = 3 sets of 6.
Toes-To-Bar –> Current = 5. Goal = 3 sets of 10.

*Last night I did my very first handstand push up with an AbMat on the ground. It was the first time I haven’t had to stack up a bunch of plates. When I took away the mat away I could not do one so I still have about and inch or two to go before I get my first ever. I also learned how to do them with a kip which (kicking my feet) which should allow me to do more during workouts. Thanks you guys from MBS that helped me after class!

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