The Backslide

backslide Ever so slowly since last summer I have been backsliding on the nutrition. After a bunch of pizza, drinks, and dessert last night I woke up this morning nearly 10 pounds heavier than I was last summer. Yikes. I suppose the key is to catch yourself on the backslide before it turns into a full on downward spiral right? Can only start with today and go forward.

So I have a new goal. To shed that off before my birthday. That gives me exactly one month including today. Secondarily, of all the fitness goals I had last year only one escaped me completely. Getting a muscle up. Every time I have tried I have gotten extremely close but it has been that way since last August. Not very encouraging. This is the month, though. I can feel it.

Weight as of this morning: 145
Goal by April 2nd: 135

Current muscle ups: 0
Goal by April 2nd: 1

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