The first event is finished
Workout #1 of the Colorado Open is finally behind us. Our team at MBS CrossFit is ranked 3rd of 66 in the Southwest Region so far and 42nd of 786 teams around the world so far. Individually I had a pretty decent start too. Not spectacular but nothing to complain about. I normally do a little better on double-unders and little worse on snatch so I guess it balanced out. I ranked 41st of 618 in the region and 475th of 7108 overall in that one. There are five events remaining so lots of work left to do. Top 30 teams and top 60 individuals in the region move on to the Regional competition. Here are a few of us visiting CrossFit Verve on Saturday:
In the meantime our gym also signed up to do another competition called The Throwdown Series. The 2nd event in that challenge was on Saturday. For the girls it was:
750m row
21 dead lifts at 155
30 ring push ups
15 dead lifts at 155
20 ring push ups
9 dead lifts
10 ring push ups
750m row
I am not sure how are team is ranked yet but I will post it once they have it updated. Individually after both events I am 10th of 73 in that competition so far.