The Goals For Round 2
This round is going to be half as long and will focus on fewer areas. As I mentioned Sunday, it started Monday and will last 6 weeks ending on Memorial Day.
Here are the goals:
At Home:
1. Stain all the trim and doors for the basement.
2. Plant herb and vegetable garden.
3. The Plastic Bag Experiment. (I will talk about this on Friday).
1. Maintain weight around 135-137
2. Kipping pull-ups – 3 sets of 20 in under 6 minutes
3. Burpees – 42 Day Burpee Challenge. (I will talk about this tomorrow).
4. Toes to bar – 20 in a row
5. Jump Rope Double-Unders – 50 in a row.
Note: I did this once and have not been able to do it since.