Archive for April 17, 2010

Last in the Queen of the Beach Series

outdoorvball I may or may not be playing in the last tournament of the Queen of the Beach Series today. Sports Oasis set up a deal where if you are first on the waiting list you can show up as a backup. If someone bails at the last minute you get to play free. If everyone shows up you get $20 and go home. Now that I am dressed and ready I hope I get to play. Even though I finished top 20 twice I only played in 2 of the 8 tournaments so I did not have enough points to play in the tournament they set up for girls ranked 1-25. Today I would be playing against ranks 26-48 and there are prizes for 1st-4th place. I actually have a shot at winning something.

UPDATE: I played but not too well. I ended up in 7th by points. Ended on a good game where my friend Miki and I were behind the whole time and came back and won though so I was happy to end on a good note.

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