This past weekend was the Colorado CrossFit Open. I had no idea what to expect so my original goal was to be in the top half. I ended up in 9th! What really made it fun was that we had a lot of people from our own gym competing. Quite a few people came out just for support, other gym members, friends, my whole family. I even ran into some volleyball girls there. Small world! Anyway, everyone from Flatirons who competed did exceptionally well. I was really proud to be a part of that group. What a bunch of studs! I need to add more pictures here are a few: Colorado Open Day 2.
Monday I was completely wiped out. For dinner I caved big time and had pizza. I dipped the crust in ranch dressing because I didn’t have enough honey. Then I ate a Snickers ice cream bar for dessert. I can hear the others from my gym cringing. Needless to say, after a meal like that I didn’t feel much better on Tuesday. It was pretty obvious I needed to get the diet back on track so I made baked scallops.
4 tablespoons butter, melted
1 1/2 pounds
1/4 cup almond meal
1/4 cup finely shredded coconut
1/8 cup grated Parmesan (opt)
1 teaspoon onion powder
1 teaspoon garlic powder
1/2 teaspoon garlic salt
1/2 teaspoon paprika
Preheat oven to 400 degrees F (200 degrees C).
Pour melted butter into a 2 quart oval casserole dish. Distribute butter and scallops evenly inside the dish.
Combine everything else and sprinkle this mixture over the scallops.
Bake in pre-heated oven until scallops are firm, 15-20 minutes.
For the asparagus I brushed them very lightly with oil and sprinkled sea salt on them. I baked them in the convection oven for about 8-10 minutes. Then I allowed the excess butter from the baked scallops to run underneath them.