Event 3 Results
5:00 as many rounds as possible of
Squat clean 110#
Jerk 110#
My score: 21 rounds 1 rep = 43 reps
Ouch. That workout hurt. Both times. Squat cleans and jerks are not my strongest suits so I was okay with my score. I tried again anyway and got the same exact score. The first time I paced myself and finished right before time ran out. The second time I was faster and felt better but with 15 seconds left I reached total failure and couldn’t even clean it anymore. So far its only dropped me two spots from 40 to 42. We have seen people rise and fall by dozens of places every week so I can’t complain. MBS is still holding on to 3rd place of 67 in our region and 18th of 761 overall.