Archive for April 18, 2011

Event 4 Results – Pressure is on

results As many rounds and/or reps as possible in 10:00 of:
60 Bar-facing burpees (jumping over the bar)
30 Overhead squats @ 90 (120 for guys)
10 Muscle-ups

Four down. Two to go. The top athlete in the world in this event made it through 1 full round plus 60 more burpees and 18 more overhead squats. Just getting through the first round of burpees and the overhead squats was a top-60-in-the-region-worthy performance for the ladies. Unfortunately, I wasn’t even close. This one sent me plummeting down to somewhere around 70th with only two more chances to secure a spot in the top 60. The MBS team is still holding strong in 3rd place in the region and 19th overall.

I failed several reps on my first attempt at this and ended up only getting through 17 of the 30 overhead squats. It would have been so much easier to just let it go at that. But I really want to fix those things. What better way than to face them again while still under pressure? I decided to go for it again on Sunday. I changed everything. Wider grip. Narrower stance with wider knees. I clean and jerked instead of snatching. I rested instead of rushing. And guess what? I got the exact same score. But I am so glad I put myself through it again. On Wednesday my squats were a little better. On Sunday my arms were a little better. Now I just need to put them together.

Saturday we had a ridiculous “mountain biking” adventure. Todd will tell you why “mountain biking” is in quotes: Mountain biking this weekend.:

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