Archive for April 25, 2011

Event 5 Results – The good and the bad

dieontreadmill Event 5 Results: 
20:00 for as many rounds/reps of:
5 Power cleans 100 (145)
10 Toes to bar
15 Wall balls 14 lbs to 9′ target

I was looking forward to getting through this workout. For one thing, having it out there was pretty daunting so I was excited to get it over with. But I also knew this could be a decent event for me. No push ups or overhead squats to trip me up. Of the Olympic lifts, power cleans are my favorite. I like wall balls and the target is lower than normal. And after toes 2 bars tripped me up in the first Throw Down Series workout I have been working on them regularly.

Another advantage was that it was 20 minutes. I am sure there are plenty of girls that can go faster but not quite as many that can go faster for that long. 20 minutes is a long time. A really long time. But I was able to keep a pretty steady pace. I can thank Todd for that for dragging me uphill steep hills hours at a time on our mountain bikes.

In the end I did 11 rounds plus 10 reps. A 4th place finish in that event of 470 in our region. My lungs are still burning. I was really excited until I realized it only bumped me up a couple places. It wasn’t nearly enough to recover from the overhead squats. That “chink in my armor” cost me 217 points (lower is better) while the other 4 events combined only cost me a TOTAL of 195. It is possible I won’t recover.

Possible but not inevitable. One event left. There are a lot of girls better than me at chest 2 bar pull ups but I have been working on them so there is a chance. And maybe the endurance will give me an advantage again. Todd showed me a video that was posted on CrossFit Verve’s website that will be going through my mind this week. Will Smith was talking about how successes in life come from unrelenting hard work. He said basically, “you might be faster or better than me but are you willing to die on a treadmill? Cause I am.”

MBS is still holding firm in 3rd place in the region. 16th overall.

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