Archive for May 2, 2011

2nd place for the world record…

chesttobarpullups Event 6:
7:00 to increase reps by 3 ea round for total reps as follows:
3 thrusters @ 65 (100)
3 chest to bar pull ups
6 thrusters
6 chest to bar pull ups
9 thrusters
9 chest to bar pull ups…. (and so on for 7 min)

Well first of all, Saturday I did not improve my score for Event 6. The chest to bar pull ups got sloppy and as a result I was down to one at a time much sooner than Wednesday. Scored 101 in the event though. Certainly can’t complain about that. They are still a little awkward but obviously getting better. Without the couple extra reps I was hoping for it was anybody’s guess where I would end up. You can’t totally trust the leader board but as it stands right now, my finish is 56th in the Region. Whew!

It is not official but according to the scoreboards I am now 2nd place in the world for the title of the girl from any region to have the worst score in an individual workout but still qualify for Regionals. Hahaha! One girl from the US Southeast region managed to do even worse on overhead squats than I did and still grabbed 57th in her region. Nice! 

MBS CrossFit is now 3rd in the region. Incredibly talented and hardworking group of people. 3 of our guys landed in the top 10 with Event 6 scores of 126, 123, and 134! Another qualified in 19th scoring 130 in the last event! 3 of our girls also qualified and a 4th just barely missed. Up through about two weeks ago she could hardly do a single chest to bar pull up but suddenly pulled out 30 of them! What a stud!

It was a lot of fun and a lot of hard work. It was also a little more stress than it should have been but totally worth doing. Regionals, here we come…

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