Day 16-19: The Days Gone By
THE DAYS GONE BY: My favorite thing about this month so far is getting to see my friends and family more. It has also made me very busy! This is my catch up post.
Day 16: Circuit training with Todd
Day 17: I took it off but I’ll make it up. Tomorrow is a 10K.
Day 18: Run, Rock, and Roll 10K Denver with my cousin, neice, sister, and her neighbors. Really fun!
Day 19: More circuit training with Todd. Also started a stretching series badly needed.
I also spent a good part of the weekend cooking my International meal for week 1 of Food Feuds 2015! Can’t talk about it though since we aren’t supposed to know who made what. Wish me luck!
Starting weight: 148
Weight: 142.5
Competition weight: 138