Watching the Super Bowl

Nothing like inviting people over to get you motivated to do those house projects you have been putting off. Todd worked his butt off. We got the crown molding and the lighting done just in time. Somehow the Super Bowl ends up being our deadline for basement projects. Unfortunately everyone got sick this year and couldn’t make it over. My parents still made it but otherwise we had a virtual Super Bowl party over Skype. Since the Super Bowl is sometimes a blowout, we make bets to keep it interesting either way. This year we made up a mini version of Fantasy Football. In teams of two we each picked one quarterback, a running back, a wide receiver, a kicker, and a defense. Whatever points they scored, we scored and then we added a few extras like who will win the coin toss and who will score the first touchdown. Competitive television watching.

1 Comment »

  1. Corrie Said,

    February 18, 2011 @ 10:01 am

    Holy Cow, THIS is your basement! I remember it when it was just getting the plumbing/wiring. Wow -Great job guys!! Can’t wait to see the rest of it!! Very inspiring for my own projects ahead of me -Thanks! =D

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