Archive for March 4, 2010

Day 57: The Cherry Creek Sneak

Day63_CherryCreekSneak I ran outside today instead of on the treadmill for the first time in a long time. It feels a lot different driving yourself forward with your legs as opposed to jumping up while the ground moves out from under you. Either way it is exhausting. And in either case I am going to need more time. I am nowhere near my goal of a 7:30/mile 5k yet. Luckily, the race I want to run is not until the last weekend in April giving me a much needed extra month to reach that goal. The Cherry Creek Sneak is the same race where I ran my previous best ever* 5k time of 7:46/mile so it will be the perfect place to attempt to beat that time.

*At altitude. Best time ever was 7:36/mile by the beach in CA.

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