Archive for December 31, 2010

Failed resolve

My resolve failed me. I skipped CrossFit yesterday to bake cookies. Luckily, I accidently bought vanilla extract instead of vanilla rendering the frosting almost inedible. Between that and the fritti episode on Christmas Eve, maybe its a sign.DSC01208Date night was on yesterday. In the afternoon Todd played XBox while I made cookies. Then we went for a much needed massage. Our plan was to have Mexican food at Si Senor for dinner but it was closed so we ate at Casa Allegre instead. Not the same but good enough. DSC01177WIth all the snow it was a great night to go home and bundle up. We went straight to the basement to play XBox. We tried for an hour to beat a special ops mission on Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 called Big Brother. We kept getting all the way to the rooftop where the helicopter picks up the guy on the ground before he gets killed by a swarm of soldiers. Ugh! So frustrating. We ended the evening by watching Despicable Me. What a great day. We spent the entire day in our sweats. Even at dinner. Hehe.

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