Shocking news

kelseyshannon The other day I was listening to the news and heard a story about a 13 year old girl who had been brutally murdered by her boyfriend of only three months. Ron Zapolo introduced the mother and her name sounded familiar. I looked up and there on the television was the former next door neighbor of my parents. The woman was a friend of my mother’s and had helped me find and buy my condo. I remember her daughter as a little girl. Everyday when I pulled into the driveway she would run up to the car and ask if I could stay outside and play. My most vivid memory was of when she came to the door pretending to sell pizzas. Hahaha. She used to call my dad Mr Bob and it was so cute that everyone on his block still call him that to this day.

So I looked up the news story to find out what the heck happened. The murder happened more than 2 years ago! How can it be that something so terrible could happen to someone I once knew without me somehow finding out about it before now? It makes me wonder what else has happened in the lives of former friends and acquaintances. My heart goes out to everyone who has lost someone unexpectedly.

Today my mom would have turned 61 years old. Happy Birthday, Mom.

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Watching the Super Bowl

Nothing like inviting people over to get you motivated to do those house projects you have been putting off. Todd worked his butt off. We got the crown molding and the lighting done just in time. Somehow the Super Bowl ends up being our deadline for basement projects. Unfortunately everyone got sick this year and couldn’t make it over. My parents still made it but otherwise we had a virtual Super Bowl party over Skype. Since the Super Bowl is sometimes a blowout, we make bets to keep it interesting either way. This year we made up a mini version of Fantasy Football. In teams of two we each picked one quarterback, a running back, a wide receiver, a kicker, and a defense. Whatever points they scored, we scored and then we added a few extras like who will win the coin toss and who will score the first touchdown. Competitive television watching.

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Coughing Fits

sick_in_bed After 13 nights in a row of coughing fits that kept me up all night I finally had a good night sleep. I have been trying to sleep propped up because when I lay down I keep choking. I keep thinking I am recovering from this cold and then a sleepless night puts me right back under. Not getting any sleep has wreaked havoc on my mental and physical well being. The mistake I made was that since I couldn’t do much else, all I did was work work work. But resting your mind is just as important for your health as resting your body. And when this cold is gone for good I plan to do more of both.

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Poor Kitties

DSCN2070 Both of my cats have a disease where their body attacks their teeth enamel and eats them from the inside out. I guess it is incredibly painful. Buddy had a couple extracted yesterday and came home all doped up. He kept squinting at me with only one eye open and stumbling into the walls like an old drunk. I think he is okay now but still pretty miserable.

I still managed to make it to volleyball. My team won the first three games and were battling it out in the fourth with time running out when a guy on the other side protested a call. It was a real downer in the middle of what was otherwise a great match to be forced to listen to the scientific reason why the way the sand looks proves a hit was in. After a bit of frustration we replayed the point but went on to lose the game when time ran out. But it felt more like losing an argument than losing a game. Too bad. They are one of the more fun teams to compete against. It reminded me, though, that you can’t let the actions of others take the wind out of your sails.

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It’s Been Awhile

updateSorry to disappear for a bit. I guess I just needed a little break. Some time to reflect on last year. Here is a very quick update on what’s been going on.

Winter Training Camp – Challenging. I got to work my butt off for 4 days. As a bonus I learned how to roll around on lacrosse balls to basically give myself the benefits of a deep tissue massage. I also learned that the reservoir of energy runs deeper than I  thought. I am really glad I went.

Other CrossFit Training – In the past couple months I have been injured perpetually and sick for 2 weeks. I am finally starting to feel healthy again though.

Body-For-Life Winner – Not me. Totally disappointed but also relieved that the waiting is finally over and still proud of what I accomplished last year. Maybe I’ll get brave and post my photos sometime.

No Sugar Challenge – I think I survived. I will probably never do that again.
House – Today a guy is coming over to hang up our crown molding in the basement.
Work – Love my new project but it looks like I may only be able to work on it part time.
Date Night – Still doing date night every Thursday. So many restaurants so little time….

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Winter Training Camp: Day 1

Day 1 started with a warmup and a short workout followed by an hour and a half of lifting. They served us a very healthy lunch and then we were on our own for a couple hours before round 2. In the afternoon we had a bit longer race and then spent an hour on the floor working the soreness out of our muscles with rollers and lacrosse balls.

It is very inspiring to workout with 25 people with this kind of work ethic. Most of them come 6 days a week and bust their butts. The quote on their website today pretty much sums up their philosophy.

“There is no strong performance without a little fanaticism in the performer.”
– Ralph Waldo Emerson

I think that probably holds true at work and at home too. People who do well at work really dedicate themselves sometimes beyond the understanding of others. Fixing up your home or keeping it clean and organized requires a certain amount of dedication. I have realized lately that even the relationships I have in my life can be amazing with a conscious and consistent effort to improve and enjoy them.

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The slacking comes to an end

No Sugar Challenge Day 4: Still going strong!

beatdown It has been an interesting week. I have one cat with some disease that causes her body to eat away at her teeth. I have another cat with a failing kidney. And I hyper-extended my wrist. We will all three be fine, I am sure. But it made me think a lot about what happens to your goals when you allow yourself to get distracted mentally. My workouts have been sloppy and it has caused a bit of a backslide. Three months ago at a tactical strength challenge I did 136 kettle bell snatches at 35 pounds in 5 minutes. Last night I put the bell down after 10 reps. My muscles are fatiguing faster. My brain wants to stop sooner. A little pain in my hand and I am ready to quit. I haven’t put in the extra effort lately and it shows. Unacceptable. You can’t expect the same performance without putting in the same amount of effort.

Time for that to end. This weekend I am going to a training camp at Front Range CrossFit where they are going to beat us up for four days. Long overdue. I am going to suffer for my slacking. I had my hand x-rayed and it is just a little bruised bone or a tiny strained muscle. It is what it is and it is up to me to make the best of it whether it hurts or not. So I guess my main goal for the weekend is to put everything I have into it and come out of it ready to work. I have already recaptured that passion I had in the Fall and now I just need to back it up with hard work. That said, I’m going for a run…

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30-Day No Sugar Challenge Is On!

The rumor that my gym is having a 30-Day No Sugar Challenge was true. And they decided to make it interesting. To participate, you have to bet $100. If you make it, you get your money back. If you don’t your money is dispersed among the people who did. The rules are simple. No added sugar or sugar substitutes of any kind (honey, syrups, agave, Spenda, etc) and no alcohol. Naturally occurring sugar in stuff like fruit and milk is allowed. But if the nutrition label includes any type of sweetener or alcohol in the ingredients, it is out. Officially the 30 days starts today but I started Saturday. After many restless nights and feeling terrible during several workouts over the past month or so I couldn’t wait. If I can manage 30 days I can manage 32. I normally don’t go through a whole day without sweeteners of some kind but I think putting up the cash will keep me from going into auto pilot.

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The New Year

newyearIt is hard to believe 2010 is already over. Not surprisingly, I have been thinking a lot about all the goals I made the past year and how they all turned out. If someone asked how my year went I would not have a good answer. Some things were amazing, better than I ever thought possible. Other things went horribly wrong, worse than I could have imagined. My goals changed a lot. I added so many short term goals I don’t even remember them all. And some of my long term goals changed or were completely forgotten. There were even goals I should have set but didn’t. Very important ones. It does no good to reach a destination if you don’t stop once in awhile to make sure you are on the right track. So this week I am doing a bit of a post mortem. I am reading back through my posts to see what went well, what failed miserably, what I forgot about, and what I did not think of last year that will make 2011 the best year yet.

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New Year’s Eve

DSC01254 Yesterday morning I made a new batch of cookies to redeem myself for Thursday. Then Todd and I conquered Big Brother before heading to my dad’s house for a pizza bake off. Originally we were going to have it at my uncle Edward’s house with everyone. But with 25-30 people coming and only one oven they decided to have us come over AFTER dinner instead. So my sister and I went to my dad’s and had one of our own. Gayle made a meat pizza with Italian sausage and ham that reminded me of the way my Mom used to make pizzas. I found a recipe for pizza that took 2nd in a Best Pizza In The World competition in Italy and bested Bobby Flay in a ‘Throwdown with Bobby Flay’. It came out great! My sister brought a Nick-N-Willy’s pepperoni to make sure her kids had food they would actually eat. Yum. I think I might do the same thing with my college buddies for our annual reunion in March. _DSC0119_2After pizza we headed to Uncle Edward’s for treats and beer and hot apple cider. We listened to the Miller Family’s amazing musical talents as always, one of Grandma’s favorite things. Then played Pictionary which was actually a riot with that many people. Some of the simplest ones were the most challenging. How do you draw a hole? Hehe. Here is Grandma trying to draw an olive: _DSC0171

And in the final moments of 2010 we completely trashed their house with confetti to bring in the New Year.

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