Archive for May 19, 2010

The Schedule

schedule It took some convincing but I have scaled back a bunch on my original workout plan to make sure I am getting the proper rest. It is less than an hour a day 6x a week and one of those will be a light day. The new schedule actually makes me feel like a major slacker but I will just do what I am told and get over it. Here is my workout schedule for the next couple months.

Sun – Day off
Mon – Lift/CrossFit WOD (workout of the day)
Tues – CrossFit WOD
Wed – Lift/CrossFIt WOD
Thurs – Olympic lifting technique and/or CrossFit endurance
Fri – Lift/CrossFit WOD
Sat – CrossFIt WOD

For the next couple weeks I still have volleyball on Monday and Tuesday evening. My last tournament until late July is this Sunday. After that I will be taking Sundays totally off to relax.

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